Breast Ultrasound

A order from your provider is requested for this exam. An ultrasound of a palpable mass that you or your provider feel should be performed. Your armpit may be evaluated as well. Using ultrasound instead of a mammogram as a screening tool is not recommended by the American Cancer Society or the American College of Radiology. A mammogram is a more sensitive screening tool than ultrasound.

Durango Ultrasound is happy to scan specific breast lumps.

Breast Ultrasound Durango Colorado

To Prepare:

No preparation is necessary. You will be asked to undress from the waist up. We will provide a robe for you to put on. You will be asked to uncover the affected breast. If you have had a previous mammogram or ultrasound, we request those images be sent to our office prior to or brought with you the day of your scan.

Quality. Convenience. Affordable.

Book Your Ultrasound

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